Taiwan International Orchid Show 2010點閱數:5359 推薦數:0 |
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內容介紹Taiwan International Orchid Show 2010 is scheduled to be held on March 6~15, 2010 at Taiwan Orchid Plantation (T.O.P.). In additional to the orchid competition of the show, international orchid symposium, offered by world-renowned speakers and expert orchidists, the International Commercial Orchid Growers Organization(ICOGO) meeting, business matchmaking and talk in orchids and orchid-related materials, social activities, orchid nursery tours and so on. It purposes to promote domestic and international technical exchanges, expand export sales opportunities for Taiwan orchid industry and become the most professional orchid circulation platform worldwide. It is also one of the most colorful exhibitions in the year-round calendar of the Fair, having its own aspect and many friends. It will give ideas of how to make garden one of a kind, ones home cosy and beautiful. Here, one will find rare kinds of plants, pot, ornamental and blossoming flowers, shrubs and seeding, as well as accessories for them. 交通資訊
Taiwan Orchid Plantation is located at Houbi Village, Tainan County, on north-south side of County 172. The exhibition site is conveniently connected to CKS International Airport and Kaohsiung International Airport by National Highway 1 and 3 (within 3 hour driving).
The distance is about 10km from Taiwan TOP Exhibition Center to the National Bai-He interchange of National Highway 3 and about 5km to Sin-Ying railroad station.